One Stop Shop

Protective Wall & Ceiling Liners

Protect your vehicle from dents and dings with protective wall and ceiling liners, while providing a clean appearance.

Protective Wall & Ceiling Liners

Modern day cargo vans are built to be lightweight, maximizing gas mileage and storage space. This means the walls and ceiling are made from extremely thin materials, which easily show dents and dings. Adding in protective wall and ceiling liner prevents internal dents and dings that might otherwise mar your vehicle’s appearance from the outside.

Additionally they increase the insulation rating on the vehicle, making it less prone to heating and cooling issues that could negatively impact your equipment and chemicals.

Delivered and Ready to Go

Upfits are available for install on all Aztec Fleet Sales vehicles, and can be installed at our Fleet Distribution Center at the time of purchase. This includes wraps, graphics, and ceramic coatings. Free driven delivery to anywhere in the continental US is included in the purchase of all Aztec Fleet Vehicles.

If you would like to purchase an upfit and install it outside of the Fleet Distribution Center, please contact us using the form below and we will be happy to take your order. Shipping costs may apply.